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[#94] MQA Audio Format     
FYI only (not mine). Photo stolen from user Audio at another forum:

最後修改時間: 2018-09-20 11:02:00
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-20 11:01
[#93] MQA Audio Format     
Thank you for your advice.

- Enable Parallelize Sigma Delta Modulator
已經 enable 咗。

- Disable Native DSD Processing
之前嘅例子係 enable 去表達全 DSD path 加入 DSP 所耗嘅資源,平時我會 disable 果時有 2.7x,但已經係轉換 PCM 嘅 DSP 運算唔再係 DSD。 其實係因為駁圖砌出嚟太闊d字變咗太細,最後貼圖果時犧牲喱一張圖。

- use simpler DSP

- Upgrade the Roon Core server to a powerful quad core i7
如果只係為咗 DSD 我覺得唔值。

最後修改時間: 2018-09-07 21:39:24
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-07 21:37
[#92] MQA Audio Format     
#87: If Roon processing speed drops below 1.3, try other settings or use simpler DSP. Upgrade the Roon Core server to a powerful quad core i7.

最後修改時間: 2018-09-07 10:26:57
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-07 10:25
[#91] MQA Audio Format     
#84: See if these Roon settings help with the problem of 斷吓斷吓:
- Enable Parallelize Sigma Delta Modulator
- Disable Native DSD Processing
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-07 10:22
[#90] MQA Audio Format     
我只能話喺我自己嘅應用上,DSD 冇任何優勢可言。
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-06 00:17
[#89] MQA Audio Format     
DSD128 file [ 0.7x ] *會斷吓斷吓
5.645MHz > 2.822MHz > Convolution 484k > DSD64 (....postprocessing DSD64 to PCM, etc)

MQA 352.8kHz file [ 14.3x ]
MQA 352.8kHz > MQA 88.2kHz 24-bit > Convolution 15k > 64-bit FP to 24-bit

即係如果呢兩個音效係 comparable,咁即係 DSD 咁大場龍鳳就係搵黎搞!可以咁理解嗎?
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-06 00:00
[#88] MQA Audio Format     

原本我想 show CPU resource,不過冇 roon 咁個 processing speed 咁簡單清晰,而且 roon 嘅例子更貼合實際應用。
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-05 23:43
[#87] MQA Audio Format     
96kHz file [ 10.1x ] VS DSD128 file [ 0.7x ] *會斷吓斷吓

10.1x 這數值越大代表運算資源耗費越少,可以這樣理解嗎?
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-05 23:34
[#86] MQA Audio Format     
吓? 邊個最好聲? 咁下次你要自己嚟聽吓比較吓。
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-05 22:26
[#85] MQA Audio Format     
96kHz file [ 10.1x ]
96kHz 24-bit > 96kHz 64-bit FP > 192kHz 64-bit > Convolution 33k > 64-bit FP to 24-bit

192kHz file [ 18.3x ] *冇SRC
192kHz 24-bit > 192kHz 64-bit FP > Convolution 33k > 64-bit FP to 24-bit

352.8kHz file [ 5.6x ]
385.2kHz 24-bit > 352.8kHz 64-bit FP > 192kHz 64-bit FP > Convolution 33k > 64-bit FP to 24-bit

DSD128 file [ 0.7x ] *會斷吓斷吓
5.645MHz > 2.822MHz > Convolution 484k > DSD64 (....postprocessing DSD64 to PCM, etc)

MQA 352.8kHz file [ 14.3x ]
MQA 352.8kHz > MQA 88.2kHz 24-bit > Convolution 15k > 64-bit FP to 24-bit

個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-05 21:23
[#84] MQA Audio Format     
同一條 track 唔同 format,喺同一部 NAS 行 roon 嘅 DSP processing power (incl. SRC to 192kHz & convolution) 比較:

96kHz file [ 10.1x ]
96kHz 24-bit > 96kHz 64-bit FP > 192kHz 64-bit > Convolution 33k > 64-bit FP to 24-bit

192kHz file [ 18.3x ] *冇SRC
192kHz 24-bit > 192kHz 64-bit FP > Convolution 33k > 64-bit FP to 24-bit

352.8kHz file [ 5.6x ]
385.2kHz 24-bit > 352.8kHz 64-bit FP > 192kHz 64-bit FP > Convolution 33k > 64-bit FP to 24-bit

DSD128 file [ 0.7x ] *會斷吓斷吓
5.645MHz > 2.822MHz > Convolution 484k > DSD64 (....postprocessing DSD64 to PCM, etc)

MQA 352.8kHz file [ 14.3x ]
MQA 352.8kHz > MQA 88.2kHz 24-bit > Convolution 15k > 64-bit FP to 24-bit

最後修改時間: 2018-09-05 16:52:46
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-05 16:43
[#83] MQA Audio Format     
我有跟開 AES journal / forum,喺 R33只係作簡述,反正有唔少 forum 同喱度性質類似只有齋up,只係信或唔信,又會唔有任何辯證。

最後修改時間: 2018-09-03 17:27:58
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-03 17:18
[#82] MQA Audio Format     
長長兄,小弟對MQA可能一知半解,希望你可以上Computeraudiophile.com或Head-fi.net上發表意見,以証視聽。聽講MQA嘅correction其中就cut左pre-ringing,據Chord Electronics嘅digital consultant Rob Watts講這是錯的,因為pre-ring有助於還原原來訊號嘅transient accuracy。
個人訊息 會員
2018-09-03 16:57
[#81] MQA Audio Format     
普通 HD file 冇 A/D D/A time/phase/resp correction,真正對應 MQA 可以有,從而避免每個環節中 anti-alasing filters 不段 cascade 後對原來訊號所帶嚟嘅影響。

最後修改時間: 2018-09-03 16:00:53
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-03 15:47
[#80] MQA Audio Format     
相對於真HD file, MQA 自己都唔敢話自己唔係lossless,不過相對於16/44.1 MQA 可能有部分優勢!

最後修改時間: 2018-09-03 15:31:18
個人訊息 會員
2018-09-03 15:30
[#79] MQA Audio Format     
喱個問題之前已經有人討論過,如果個 music source 本身唔係 hi-res 但將佢 upsample 後扮成 hi-res 之後再經 MQA 處理就會出現 aliasing 等等問題。

都係果句,只會對 MQA 功能唔了解嘅人只會當 MQA 係 lossy format。 從之前嘅分享資料同分析結果都睇得到 MQA 嘅優勢,如果好似 DSD 只係取 data 量大但當中包含大量冇用嘅 out-band-noise 先叫 lossless format 只不過係本末倒置。
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-09-03 14:46
[#78] MQA Audio Format     
Totally agree with previous posting.

I have said this before. MQA is a solution to a problem that no longer exist. Now with high speed high bandwidth streaming I don’t see any value for the existiance of MQA format.

Moreover why one has to pay directly and indirectly and lock oneself in a proprietary format while there are so many HD and DSD open format to choose. I believe this hype is going to die soon.

最後修改時間: 2018-09-01 01:18:16
個人訊息 會員
2018-09-01 01:16
[#77] MQA Audio Format     
唔知點解link唔到,可以copy以下條link去address field.


By Rob Watts:
“The articles on CA (particularly Archimago's: https://www.computeraudiophile.com/...-of-controversies-concerns-and-cautions-r701/) is really damaging to MQA, and technically the format is clearly a lossy distortion generating codec. 1% THD and noise at 20 kHz? A huge notch at 44.1k? The blue authentication LED working when the bottom 8 bits are scrambled? My worries with the rendering is that it actually creates transient timing errors, because of the mistaken and technically foolish belief that pre-ringing is bad.

The weight of objective testing against the format is now so vast, and the objections so critical, I find it amazing that anybody can take it seriously as a step forward - particularly in a time when I can stream huge 4k movies right into my home.”

最後修改時間: 2018-08-31 13:37:31
個人訊息 會員
2018-08-31 13:31
[#76] MQA Audio Format     
以下入門 MQA DAC 邊架好啲?

1. iFi xDSD
2. Pro-ject Pre Box S2 Digital
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-08-31 08:51
[#75] MQA Audio Format     
icefox兄, Thanks~
個人訊息 正式會員
2018-07-16 12:10
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