本文作者:review33 團隊
發佈日期:2010-04-07 00:51:15

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Stereophile Digital

筆者一向有訂閱美國 Stereophile 音響雜誌的習慣,但今年開始不再訂閱郵寄版,改而訂閱電子版,原因如下:

  1. 環保 – 是時候為地球出一點力吧!
  2. 成本 – 電子版一年 12 期只需 US$ 9.75,郵寄版一年書價連運費就要 US$36.9。
  3. 方便 – 電子版可以可以在 PC / Mac / Linux / iPhone / iPad 上觀看任可一期已訂閱的雜誌、不用考慮存儲或攜帶的問題、更有內文搜索功能 …
  4. 多媒體內容 – 一些內容更以多媒體方法表示


http://www.zinio.com/browse/publications/?productId=6537936&offer=500183127&bd=1&pss=1&rf=3571 ( Click 雜誌封面觀看 )

Stereophile 電子版有網上版、下載版及 iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad 版可供選擇:

1.  網上版只要在安裝有網頁瀏覽器及 Adobe Flash Plug-in 的電腦便可

除了訂閱了的 Stereophile 雜誌外,還會收到一些免費的 Sample 雜誌。在左面的選單上 ("free") 還有更多免費雜誌可供訂閱

網上版的排版方式和實體雜誌基本沒有分別,在 27" 顯示器上可清楚看到兩頁的內容,較細的顯示器可以用 Zoom In / Zoom Out 去調整內容大少,但每次換頁時也會重設為 "Best Fit" ...

電子版最有用的功能 -- "內文搜索功能",搜索結果會顯示在頁面左面

2. 下載版需要安裝 Zinio Reader 軟件,目前最新版本為 4.0 Beta,支援 PC / Mac / Linux 操作系統

Zinio Reader 的功能和網上版相若,但 Zinio Reader 有中文介面提供,而且 Zoom In / Zoom Out 可以設定預設值,解決換頁時變回 "Best Fit" 的問題。特別一提,Zinio Reader 在 Mac 上的反應比 PC 為快。

3. iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad 版需要安裝 Zinio Reader iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad Apps,香港的 iTunes Store 沒有這 Apps 下載,用家需要到美國的 iTunes Store 開新 Apple 帳戶才可從美國的 iTunes Store 下載這 Apps

Zinio Reader for iPhone / iPod Touch My Library Screen Cover Page Screen
Table of Contents Screen
iPhone 上看 Stereophile 圖文版時
但 Stereophile 卻沒有提供

Stereophile 網站 - http://www.stereophile.com/

Last modified: 2010-04-07 09:11:02

發表您對 < Stereophile Digital > 的意見


#1 - com-buddy :
2010-04-07 13:53:10

Thanks for the note.
#2 - mrbeansr :
2010-04-07 22:59:07

訂閱了一年, under US$10. 但因年老關係, 很費眼神.

現在選擇性 print out. 預計油墨費用, 貴過訂閱價!
#3 - pk :
2010-04-08 00:22:53

Has already use electronic version for over 1 year, highly recommend and this is the only way u can keep the pass copy forever.

By the way, I also order TAS for long. Price is super!
#4 - CKL2 :
2010-04-08 09:30:37

I subscribed to digital Stereophile, TAS & HiFi News for years. I only buy printed Stereo Sound. About the HK magazines, didn't buy for years.
#5 - agentsmittie :
2010-04-08 11:15:12

I've been happy Zinio user for many years. My first issue on record was November-04 Stereophile.

I also subscribe to HiFi News, Business week, Economist and many more. But so far, only Stereophile is available for iPhone.
#6 - ff4300 :
2010-04-08 14:05:03

Got the Digital TAS subscription link


#7 - agentsmittie :
2010-04-08 16:56:36

I am subscribed to TAS as well. But I heard that TAS may have been closed down, anybody heard that?

My favorite PDF magazine is HiFi+
#8 - ff4300 :
2010-04-08 18:17:28

Hi agentsmittie, where can I subscribe the HiFi+ PDF version?
#9 - agentsmittie :
2010-04-08 22:10:09

Strange, I used to subscribe through the AVGuide web site, but now their web site only list print versions.

I think it is now available here:


#10 - ff4300 :
2010-04-08 23:31:29

Thank agentsmittie.
#11 - elo :
2010-04-09 17:27:37

A very good excuse to buy iPad as so many electronics copies available now.
#12 - ll77hk :
2010-04-11 19:54:34

訂閱了一年, under US$10. 但因年老關係, 很費眼神 X2

I hate the small font size (stereophile) !!! can I-pad fix it?
#13 - agentsmittie :
2010-04-12 08:37:28

>>A very good excuse to buy iPad as so many electronics copies available now.

Be careful though, only a few magazines are converted to iPAD/iPhone. Currently I have The Economist, Stereophile, HiFi+, and only Stereophile is available for the iPhone. Not sure if it has been converted to iPad yet.

I think they have to convert them one by one.
#14 - CKL2 :
2010-04-12 11:39:58

"I hate the small font size (stereophile) !!! can I-pad fix it?"

IPad can't solve your problem. You need a large LCD with >TrueHD resolution such as this to have the feeling of reading a real magazine without zooming in/out:

#15 - agentsmittie :
2010-04-12 11:56:10

Or just print it out
#16 - ff4300 :
2010-04-21 00:29:23

Stereophile May Issue just released.
#17 - breadvan :
2010-04-22 12:42:07

Been Stereophile subscriber for over 10 years now, still enjoy holding a magazine on my hand ;).

Also use Zinio for Home Theatre Mag, quite nice but printing is a bit awkward.
#18 - mrbeansr :
2010-04-22 15:48:52

"subscriber for over 10 years now, still enjoy holding a magazine on my hand"

Me 2, previously also subscribed to UHF, a Canadian hifi magazine which was just great!

#19 - hercules :
2010-04-23 16:20:13

Anyone know how to install Zinio for iphone??? It's not available for Hong Kong!!
#20 - 管理團隊 :
2010-04-24 00:18:08



裡面有講 - 香港的 iTunes Store 沒有這 Apps 下載,用家需要到美國的 iTunes Store 開新 Apple 帳戶才可從美國的 iTunes Store 下載這 Apps

#21 - hercules :
2010-04-24 07:36:41

Thanks... I know...I need a social security no. to open an US account.... so......
#22 - 管理團隊 :
2010-04-26 01:57:10

hercules: no social security number is required during create US account.

Or you can use "Change Country" in Apple Account Information screen.
#23 - agentsmittie :
2010-04-26 13:07:42

2 ways to download zinio from US iPhone store:

1. Register with a US credit card if you have one

2. Ask someone from the US to buy an iTunes
gift card, there will be a PIN number that you can use to change your home country to the US

I think Zinio is incredibly stupid to make the software US only, considering that it's magazines are subscribed worldwide
#24 - smalldog1907 :
2010-04-28 13:53:02

Hi agentsmittie, hercules and all chings,

you can perform a google search such "itunes 美國帳號", then you will find the way to create a foreign itunes account.
#25 - chisun :
2010-05-05 15:12:04

Great tips, thanks.
#26 - 管理團隊 :
2010-05-10 00:23:49

Good News (maybe old news), Taiwan HiFi Magazine "音響論壇" & "PrimeAV 新視聽" offer free graphic layout view of their old magazine (六個月之前). Previously is text only version.


#27 - 管理團隊 :
2010-05-10 00:55:04

screen capture:

review33 on mobile

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
