發佈日期:2010-06-26 12:21:58

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COPLAND CDA-825 24bit /192kHz CD Player

巧奪天工 萬眾期待


COPLAND CDA-825 24bit /192kHz CD Player

  • 採用頂置懸浮式 Philips CD Pro2 LF 機械系統
  • 罕有特製之 180゚橫開之圓型頂蓋
  • 每聲道採用兩枚英國著名 Wolfson 旗艦級 WM8741 24bit /192kHz 數碼解碼器
  • 雙差動式設計全平衡輸出
  • 模擬輸出線路沒有運算放大器,因此需要近三百個元件去組成此雙差動式音頻結構
  • 以音響心理學為基礎數擬調教的數碼濾波器
  • 從機械讀取訊號到解碼前加入了特別的二秒緩衝器,能確保在數碼流中的時差減到最低
  • 機身作最佳隔離設計,能阻擋一切由揚聲器所產生的低頻諧震之影響

COPLAND CDA-825 24bit /192kHz CD Player
COPLAND CDA-825 24bit /192kHz CD Player
COPLAND CDA-825 24bit /192kHz CD Player
COPLAND CDA-825 24bit /192kHz CD Player
COPLAND CDA-825 24bit /192kHz CD Player


Aiming to meet the uncompromising expectations of our users all over the world, we continuously strive to develop and improve the well-known build quality and finish of the COPLAND range of audio products.
Designing audio equipment presents us with an integral paradox: How to scientifically approach an audio system that is to perform as a medium of art.

As with other art forms, our perception and appreciation of music would seem to defy logical classifications and structural thinking, and yet, these are scientific principles that an audio designer must use as a basis for evaluating sound quality.
The audio designer is a performer of science and craftsmanship: However, his work must be carried out with artistic devotion and commitment.This pursuit of excellence is at the centre of the COPLAND design philosophy, and we are convinced that you will discover our commitment to it, when you experience your favourite music through COPLAND equipment.

COPLAND 中, 港, 澳總代理

電話:  25247687 (HK)  / 020-3562 6826 (CN)
網址:  www.ascl.hk        電郵:  hifi@ascl.hk






Last modified: 2010-06-26 12:36:53

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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