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Chord 推出全新 CPM 2800 MkII 解碼兼合併放大器

Chord 推出全新 CPM 2800 MkII 解碼兼合併放大器

專注開發高級開關電源放大器多年的英國品牌 Chord ,可謂其中一間向世人宣示 開關式電源放大的實力及可能性的廠商之一,不少專業錄音室早就採用大量採用 Chord 的產品,發展家用市場後,亦連許多發燒友都讚不絕口,可見只要用料及設計上的 Know-How 才是最重要,不論那一類電源或材料只要設計及運用得宜,亦能發出受人肯定的聲音。言歸正傳,這次 Chord 推出它們全新 CPM 2800 MkII 解碼兼合併放大器,與上代比較,採用全新設計的前面板,銀色的機殼一如以往,採用陽極硬化以及精密加工的航空級鋁合金製造,粗壯的四柱支撐有效穩定機體及減少震盪,輸出入端子亦採用更高級製品,包括全新的大型鍍金絕緣喇叭插頭等。

CPM 2800 MkII 的解碼部分採用了 Hugo / 2Qute DAC 相同的技術,通過非同步的 USB 2.0 插頭連接電腦,支援達 PCM 32bit / 384kHz 取樣和 DSD 128、DXD 等音樂文件,USB 插頭更同時支援手機如 Apple, Android 或 Windows 等等。解碼功放部份,更裝備新開發的自動校正技術,通過先進的 FPGA 高性能處理器,能處理大流量的音頻數據,內建 FIFO 緩衝記憶體的晶片接收 USB 部份資料,先以等時非同傳輸方式,再由 FPGA 切換輸入端,然後統一授予時鐘訊號並處理解碼、數位相位鎖定迴路 PLL 以及 RAM Buffer 控制,最後以WTA濾波,再解碼成模擬訊號。廠方稱這方式能得到極低的時基失真,以及減少數碼噪音,達到總諧波失真極低,有效使聲音去除數碼味,更具優質的模擬聲效果,在低音量時亦能保持高解析力,而且播放Hi-Res音樂檔時,這優勢更為明顯。

放大方面, Chord CPM 2800 MkII 採用高頻電源供應系統,加入了許多新技術以擴闊頻寛及相位時鐘控制,以及提升高頻品質,而且為了得到高速的性能和穩定性, MkII  更增強了電源系統,同時亦在電路和接地上也做了計多改善,確保機身在高電流的大功率狀態下,亦能以低失真狀態下長時間運作,同時,驅動電路亦大幅改進,整體實現更快更精準的訊號還原,提供力水充足的120Wx2(8 Ohms)的功率輸出。

Chord 近年來產品開發越加積極,相信是因為不少音響迷對開關式電源放大的偏見越縮越窄,而 Chord 旗下的產品聲音優越,更加奠定在這領域中的地位,粉絲自然越來越多,因而造成 Chord 新產品的開發及線品線擴大速度加快,這次推出的 Chord CPM 2800 MkII ,一體化的設計機身大小及重量合理,定位雖非 Chord 的旗艦製品,但可謂是採用了 Chord 由功放到解碼技術的集大成,絕對是一部不容小覷的實力產品。


Chord 推出全新 CPM 2800 MkII 解碼兼合併放大器
Chord 推出全新 CPM 2800 MkII 解碼兼合併放大器

Last modified: 2015-03-03 16:59:26

發表您對 < Chord 推出全新 CPM 2800 MkII 解碼兼合併放大器 > 的意見


#1 - chorous :
2015-03-03 19:06:46

#2 - 拳拳小書僮 :
2015-03-03 19:12:00


The CPM 2800 MkII’s power is delivered courtesy of Chord’s award-winning proprietary ultra-high-frequency power supply, which has the ability to store energy far more efficiently than conventional designs. The technology gives the amplifier section enormous reserves of instantly delivered, precisely controlled power, which is capable of taming even the most demanding loudspeaker. The rated output power is 120Wrms per channel @ 0.05% distortion into 8 Ohms; or 170Wrms per channel into 4 Ohms.

For home cinema compatibility, an A/V bypass input is incorporated, so that the CPM 2800MkII can be used in conjunction with an A/V processor without the need for a separate amplifier.

應該係D類, chord好似普遍採用Switching mode電源
#3 - chorous :
2015-03-03 20:11:03

Switch mode power 是指電源供應部分,取代傳統線性電源做法,放大依然是AB類,—般人睇見用switch mode就當D類,
#4 - 拳拳小書僮 :
2015-03-03 20:17:23

#5 - chorous :
2015-03-03 20:32:32


#6 - 拳拳小書僮 :
2015-03-03 21:30:32

AB類迷思係華人發燒圈迷思,響海外文章介紹chord器材,絕少提及放大部份係AB類,反而標榜採用Switch mode power,情況同JRDG響東南亞地區一樣,唔標榜番AB放大就好難買,採用Switch mode power 響東南亞係原罪

官網都有提及自己專於switch mode power supplies

Not to be confused with the Chord Company who make cables, Chord Electronics have, under the leadership of owner John Franks, been around since 1989.

Chord are advocates of using switch mode power supplies and acquired legendary status for their power amplifiers some years ago. Power outputs range from the generous to terrifying and their ability to drive difficult loads yet remain light and agile gives them a unique position amongst high end products.

Over the last decade or so, their abilities in the digital domain, particularly DAC design, has led to their DAC64 being a crucial part of many audio enthusiast's systems. The more recent DACs maintain and build on this standard. There is a high level of forward compatibility with respect to high resolution sample rates too.

Our interest was piqued when we had a good listen to the DSX1000 streamer / DAC driving the 'entry level' (yup!!) SPM1200 II power amplifier. The DSX1000 has variable output and it drives the power amplifier directly.

Here we have a two box system, controllable from an iPod or iPad, with masses of power but a cultured, slightly restrained, nature that belies the watts on tap. It is resolutely neutral, very open and spacious with a great deal of resolution of both detail and timbre. Curiously addictive too, so it's doing something right.
#7 - 拳拳小書僮 :
2015-03-03 21:46:06

其實真正高級的Switch mode power,成本一D都唔平,係好嘢黎的,唔洗咁抗拒,尤其chord早就採用航太級Switch mode power supply,堅嘢來的,絕對不比大牛大水塘所產生的線性電源差


Coming from the aerospace industry, Chords’ founder John Franks has always been involved in getting the maximum amount of power from the lightest designs. Recognized as one of the most influential specialists of switch-mode power supplies, Franks still dreams of absolute performance from switching output devices.

He recently declared that “the fundamental switching frequency of a class D amplifier using silicon technology is around 200kHz. You can’t go much higher than that with silicon... No one at present has a digital amp … a D class amplifier that sounds any good.” He also disclosed that “Chord are working on delivering what promises to be a game-changing class D amplifier”.

But right now whilst we await the most advanced technical class D refinements using mysterious gallium nitride devices, this review is on an association of custom-built Mosfet output stage with three 5th-generation switching power supplies in parallel. The high-frequency SMPS operate in the 80kHz range unlike conventional power supplies which plow the 50-60Hz range. Chord's operate simultaneously on the positive and negative rails for a still more dynamic response.
#8 - chorous :
2015-03-03 21:46:38

Chord 將會推出標榜係纯D類放大兼純數碼擴音機
#9 - 拳拳小書僮 :
2015-03-03 21:48:01

>Chord 將會推出標榜係纯D類放大兼純數碼擴音機

GOOD news!期待
#10 - chorous :
2015-03-03 21:53:51

#11 - 拳拳小書僮 :
2015-03-03 21:59:44

#12 - chorous :
2015-03-03 22:14:38


#14 - 拳拳小書僮 :
2015-03-03 22:17:46

chord其實都好百搭下,尤其配D高速度喇叭真係一流,FS509我聽過配linear acoustic, 好唔錯,所以估計配chord都有番咁上下好聲

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