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發佈日期:2015-10-12 20:37:47

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Bryston 推出全新對應 DSD 功能的解碼器 BDA-3

Bryston 推出全新對應 DSD 功能的解碼器 BDA-3

總部位於加拿大安大略省 Peterborough 的音響廠 Bryston,以生產功率擴大器聞名於世,35 年來持續開發專業及民用產品,現在的 Bryston 已經有能力由訊源、放大至到喇叭都在其生產範圍之內,可說涵蓋每個音響環節的生產。這次他們於十月發布的新聞稿中,宣布即將推出全新一代的解碼 BDA-3 ,價格約為 $3495 美元,將於 11 月在美國推出。

Bryston BDA-3 與上一代最大的分別之處,在於增設了 DSD 解碼能力,透過非同步 USB 輸入,最高支援達 DSD-256 的播放能力,除此之外,更設有 HDMI 輸入,能與具有 HDMI 輸出的 SACD 唱機連接並播放 DSD 訊號。BDA-3 的輸入極之豐富,包括 4 組 HDMI ,非同步 USB , AES/EBU , TOSLINK 光纖以及同軸等。而且更設有 Bryston 的網絡模組,能通過 TCP / IP 和 RS-232 等介面,作集成控制構築起智能家居平台。

解碼部份,BDA-3 採用了全新的解碼晶片,解碼能力高達 384 kHz / 32-bit PCM 或原生DSDX4,每種格式均能作原生信號處理, 保持絕對位完美的信號至模擬輸出為止。此外,Bryston 更加入了超精確的重複計時電路,將抖動減少至幾乎不可測量的水平,模擬部分則採用Bryston的集成電路(ICs)。

除重視的音色外,輸入豐富以及靈活性優秀的BDA-3,對應SACD的HDMI輸出,將 DAC 使用範圍擴大至DVD或藍光播放,甚至接駁具有 HDMI 輸出的遊戲機。除此之外亦能透過 USB 連接電腦,加上傳統的數碼輸入,可說針對那些一方面要求高品質,另一方面擁有多種訊源的用家而設的多功能解碼器。


Last modified: 2015-10-12 20:37:47

發表您對 < Bryston 推出全新對應 DSD 功能的解碼器 BDA-3 > 的意見


#1 - tom55 :
2015-10-14 09:50:47

Real DSD native decode, NO internally converts DSD-to-PCM like Sabre 9018

#2 - tubeeater :
2016-11-20 19:22:38

I do have the player. It is not good really for the price in my opinion. Also, Bryston is unable to get rid of the loud "thud" when the dac receive dsd from its hdmi input. I was very surprise a company like Bryston could put this product out into the market without resolving this issue .
#3 - PIP1828 :
2016-11-24 01:00:14

I do have the Bryston BDA-3 too...

However I wanna ask what is meant by loud "thud" ?

It sounds pretty good, excellent performance on 3D soundstage...

I do think that Bryston BDA-3 is worth for money...

#4 - tubeeater :
2016-11-24 01:54:24

It only occurs when the dac receives dsd signal via its HDMI input. I use a Oppo player as transport to play my Sacd.
I have contacted Bryston a few months ago and was told they are working on a patch to correct this issue.
This "thud" sound is loud and it may damage your speaker if you not not careful. So if you are listening to Sacd, mute the preamp first, turn up the volume only after you see the dac has gone into dsd mode. You will also this "thud" sound at the end of the disc, so make sure you mute or lower the volume of the preamp before the disc ends.
When did you buy yours? I bot mine about 6 months ago. It is possible that they have fixed the problem in yours.

#5 - i-walker :
2016-11-24 16:28:55

I would like to know how much it costs now?

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