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發佈日期:2016-03-29 17:21:09

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Tesla Model 3 - 邁向可持續交通車輛的重要里程

Tesla Model 3 - 邁向可持續交通車輛的重要里程

在美國西岸時間的星期四晚上(香港時間星期五) ,Tesla 將會推出 Model 3 - Tesla “機密計劃 Secret Master Plan” 中的最後一步。隨著 Model 3 的推出,Tesla 將向著促進全球可持續交通轉向的目標邁向重要的一步。

在星期四讓大家看到我們一直努力的成果之前,先讓我們回顧一下 Tesla 在成立短短十多年的歷史以來所取得的成就。

在 2008 年,Tesla 推出 Roadster 高性能電動跑車,向世界證明了電動車的潛能。Roadster 為第一架適用於高速公路上行走的量產電動車,不但實現 320 公里續航距離,其性能甚至能超越如保時捷或法拉利等燃油跑車。

在 2012 年,Tesla 交付了全球第一架高級電動房車 Model S。四年後,Model S 繼續影響著汽車業界及為客戶留下深刻印象。 Model S 為路上最安全的量產車款,同時亦是全球加速最快的四門房車。它是第一款純電動全輪驅動的量產汽車,並為 Consumer Reports 有史以來測試評分最高的車款。

在 2015 年,Tesla 第一架 Model X 送到客戶的手中。就如 Tesla 之前的車款一樣,Tesla Model X 打破了其類別的規範;Model X 為最安全及最快的全電動 SUV,擁有全電動 SUV 中最長高的續航力。其極低的重心設計,另它擁有歷來 SUV 中最低的風阻系數。

在世界各地,路上超過十萬架 Tesla Model S  的車主已經駛過了近 20 億英里的電動路程。

除此之外,Tesla 的 Autopilot 系統為目前最先進的輔助駕駛系統;Autopilot 專為提升駕駛的安全及便利程度以設,並正向著未來無人駕駛科技發展推進。憑藉 Over-the-air 軟件升級技術,Tesla 能為客戶輕鬆增加新的Autopilot 功能,令他們能時刻走在科技的前端。

在 Tesla 準備投放更多車輛到路上的同時,我們將繼續建設全球的售後服務網絡;現在 Tesla 已經有超過 200 個銷售及維修服務地點,在今年更將會有 80 多個新地點陸續啟用。另外,Tesla 亦會進一步擴展其充電網絡,包括 Supercharger 及 Destination Charger,令客戶無論在任何地方出遊,都能輕鬆充電。目前,全球已有超過 600 個 Supercharger 充電站,在今年更將會有達 300 個新地點為車主提供服務。

為了實現我們的目標 —— 推出價格更為相宜的中型房車,Tesla 正興建全球其中一項最大型的建築。Tesla Gigafactory 非常重要,廠房將會生產足夠的電池來支持 Tesla 預計的車輛需求供應。到 2020 年,Gigafactory 將達到最高生產量,其生產量將會超越 2013 年全球鋰離子電池的全年生產總和。

Tesla 的目標是至 2020 年,生產達50萬架電動車,這意味著其產量必須增加至現在的 10 倍。過去,Tesla 經已在加州廠房證明了其能夠克服如此挑戰的實力。Tesla 的加州廠房為全球最先進的車廠之一。 在 2012 年,Tesla 生產約 3100 架電動車。去年的生產量為 2012 年的 16 倍以上,生產量超過五萬架。

在美國西岸時間的星期四晚上(香港時間星期五),Tesla將會首度展示 Model 3。Model 3 的交付將於 2017 年底開始。

請留意週四晚上 8:30(PT)(香港時間星期五上午 11:30)的演示。



Last modified: 2016-03-29 17:21:09

發表您對 < Tesla Model 3 - 邁向可持續交通車輛的重要里程 > 的意見


#2 - Rosenbloom :
2016-03-29 20:46:59


#3 - cow :
2016-03-29 20:53:25

豬仔包..... >_<
#4 - 嚦嚦二世 :
2016-03-29 21:38:28

#5 - skyliner :
2016-03-29 22:36:58

人地功課, 咪當真


#6 - mcdull :
2016-03-30 16:13:18

如果是真, 好似撞完既 model S
#7 - kimaki :
2016-03-30 17:03:13


#8 - skyliner :
2016-03-31 08:58:54


Tesla Model 3 exclusive leaked specs: 0-60 under 4 sec fast and 300+ mile range options

Comments (20)


We’re about 24 hours away from the Model 3 unveil and it’s time for everyone to show their cards. Tesla, in an age when secretive tech companies like Apple can’t keep any of its products from leaking, has let almost nothing leak on the upcoming Model 3. Almost everything we know about the Model 3 has come via Elon Musk late night Tweetstorm or official releases.

We’ve talked to Tesla employees, former Tesla Employees who have worked on the design team, contractors and just about anyone who would be involved in the project. To Tesla’s credit, almost no one would say anything about the Model 3 that wasn’t already public –even former Tesla employees who are now working at competitors.

Until now…

A second hand source had previously informed me that Tesla was working on multiple versions of the Model 3 and that slippery low drag design was a major source of the work. Tesla later clarified that only one Model 3 design would be shown off at launch.

However a different source who has provided reliable information in the past has given us some real news on the Model 3.

The biggest news: According to a source who has seen the design that will be shown off tomorrow, it looks like a smaller hybrid of the Model X and S. It is a bit taller sedan with a unique front that looks more like a Model X than a Model S. The car is shorter and narrower than either the model X or S but is described as “sexy and sporty”. The person who saw it said that they didn’t like the look of the X initially and only came around to liking it when the Falcon Wing doors were exhibited. This person instantly fell in love with the design of the Model 3, however, saying “It seems so right”.

One of the standout specs Tesla will tout is that it will be able to travel from 0-60 in under 4 seconds. We weren’t told if this is for the base model or a more premium edition with bigger battery and AWD.

Speaking of higher end, the price tag on the high end version of the Model 3 grows significantly to almost base Model S territory with estimates in the $50-$60K range. What do you get for that money? Besides autonomous driving on the level of the Model S and X, Tesla will also offer the aforementioned AWD option. In addition, a battery pack that we’re estimating in the ~80kWh range will take the Model 3 to over 300 miles in range. That’s at highway speeds and not hyper-miling at 30mph which means you can travel almost 5 hours between charging and almost complete the 364 miles between the Tesla design studio in Hawthorne and its HQ in Palo Alto.

As a comparison, Tesla’s current mileage champ, the Model S 90D can go 288 EPA certified miles on a charge.

Tesla recently drove its updated Roadster from San Francisco to Los Angeles and as we’ve seen, a lot of Tesla’s breakout features revolve around CEO Elon Musk’s commute (for instance the jump seats in the Model S fit his 5 kids). Whether they get to 360 miles or not will be interesting. Putting a 100kWh battery in a slippery Model 3 might do that but I’ve heard nothing in that regard.

Anyway, we’ll be in line tomorrow and following the event live so come back and join us!

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