發佈日期:2012-01-18 01:26:49

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Audi 2011 年全球銷量增長強勁 
穩佔全球豪華汽車市場第二位汽車品牌 香港區銷售勢頭持續 增長高達 29%

Audi 2011 年全球銷量增長強勁

Audi 德國廠方剛宣佈 2011 年 Audi 全球銷量再創佳積,全球共售出汽車達 1,302,650 輛,較 2010 年多售出 210,200 輛,超越其中一個主要競爭對手,穩佔全球豪華汽車市場品牌第二位。

Audi 在歐洲的銷量增長達 12.1%,共售出 726,300 輛。在美國市場,推出的全新豪華大型房車車系如︰A6、A7 Sportback 及 A8 等均極受歡迎,其中高級車系的銷量比例更大幅飊升 50% 以上。全年售出 117,561 輛新車,銷量較去年增長高達15.7%,並連續十二個月錄得新銷量紀錄。

在全球市場中,豪華大型房車同樣對 Audi 的銷量增長有巨大的影響力。即使新一代 Audi A6 在中國市場推出之前,中型房車的全球銷量已經達到 229,200 輛,增長達 12.2%。全新車款 Audi A7 Sportback 在 2011 年推出後,已吸引了全球的顧客注目,共售 31,300 輛。其他型號如 Audi Q7 增長顯著強勁達 21.4%,而旗艦級型號 Audi A8 自 2010 年推出後,銷量亦錄得超過一倍以上的增長。Audi A1 自推出後深受歐洲市場歡迎,首年銷量達 118,200 輛。

Audi 在中國市場迅速增長,亦令中國首次成為 Audi 銷量最大的單一市場,2011 年全年共售出 313,036 輛,升幅高達 37.3%。Audi 在香港的整體銷售數字也有相當可觀的升幅,較去年增長高達 29.2%,成績令人鼓舞!Audi A1 於 2010 年 10 月在本港推出,銷售勢頭持續,約佔 Audi 香港 2011 年銷量的 10%。其中 Audi A4 跟 Audi A5 車系仍是主力車型,佔 Audi 香港 2011 年銷量 30% 以上。而新一代的 A6、A8 L 及全新 A7 Sportback 在本港推出後,令 Audi 在豪華汽車市場上更具競爭力,銷售成績理想,佔 Audi 香港 2011 年銷量達 16% 以上,再次證明 Audi 於豪華汽車界別的非凡實力!

總結 2011 年全年,Audi 於全球超過 50 個市場都刷新了銷售數字,令 Audi 穩佔全球第二大豪華汽車品牌,足証 Audi 的積極進取。2012 年,Audi 將繼續秉持「突破科技、啟迪未來」的品牌理念,開創更佳成績。Audi 香港現正積極拓展業務,在德國廠方的全力支持下,多款全新車系將陸續抵港,當中包括:極具都市氣息的全新 SUV - Audi Q3、高性能車系 S6、S7 Sportback、S8 等,以提供最完備的車系選擇。

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               星期日及公眾假期 上午10時至下午8時
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Last modified: 2012-01-18 01:40:02

發表您對 < Audi 2011 年全球銷量增長強勁 > 的意見


#1 - jacky35 :
2012-01-18 01:42:59

May be that is the fact. But their models' appearances are boring to me and not attracting me to buy one yet.
#2 - ff4300 :
2012-01-18 02:03:22


who is the number one?
#3 - hellow :
2012-01-18 20:01:19

No1 = BMW, No.3 = MB

Audi sell slightly more car than Merc but...so far as I can remembered Audi's profit per car on average is only ~2/3 of either of the Double B(i.e. Big expensive Audi don't sell or there are much more hidden/undisclosed discount when Audi is pushing their cars out of the showroom)
#4 - fkclo :
2012-01-18 22:09:30

The competition has always been fierce between the 3. Audi is quite small compared to BMW and MB back in mid 2000, but has undergone phenomenal growth since then. Audi operating margin is 11+% for 2011 which is above its long term target of 8 - 10%. Audi has achieve record profit also in 2011, and a great year also in 2010. So there is nothing wrong with Audi.

The cost synergy with VW Group will continue, as there are a lot of sharable resources - like engines, chassis design, material and component purchase. This will continue to help Audi in the mid to long term.

BMW slowed down in 2009/2010 but bounced back in 2011 - increasing its profits significantly as a result of the new model series launch. It is said BMW has a operating margin of around 13% for 2011. As at end 2011, BMW is more profitable than Audi, but not by a large margin. However, this is also related to how new models / product lines are introduced. Also, adjusted for the difference in size and taking a longer term view, the outlook for Audi - as a business - remains more promising than BMW.

BMW has, traditionally, the lead profit maker out of the 3, but the gap was closer than most may suggested. BMW has a much larger production base so it does not need to invest too much to accommodate growth, whereas Audi is building factories in a number of places in order to support its growth strategy.

It is worth noting that Audi is much more established in China than BMW, with one long time production base in NE China and a new factory being built in southern China, and so has a lower production cost base out of Germany. Audi is making the Q3 in Spain which is one of the lower cost country in Europe. The gloomy outlook of European luxury car market is threatening all 3 so they will have to create growth out of its traditional market, especially emerging economies.

It is interesting to note that all 3 - BMW, Audi, MB remains pretty healthy and profitable (unlike the US car makers) despite the continual market turmoil. Products aside, the Euro is actually helping to improve relative competitiveness of Germany companies, and this explain why Germany is so keen to keep the Euro going, at least for now.

FWIW, my 2 cents.

#5 - b.ho :
2012-01-19 09:28:08

To their down lines vendors, 11-13% operating margin is a dream !
#6 - vt75 :
2012-01-19 15:15:46

d 車好賣即係冇價減!
#7 - fkclo :
2012-01-19 21:37:42

This is a good link about BMW business performance from 2007-2010


This is the corresponding link about Audi, over the same period :


I have searched for comprehensive 2011 data but this is not well publicized yet.

Very interesting when we compare the two. But we have to admit both are doing pretty well - looking at the various ratios.

On the contrary, Mercedes is really loosing touch with the market pulse. It has not been doing particular well over the last few years. The new E series with its 1.8l CGI engines of various tuning may help, and hopefully it is picking up momentum again. The S Class, however, seems to be loosing its edge in the premium segment.

#8 - vpun914 :
2012-01-20 17:31:08

d 車好賣即係冇價減!


#9 - fkclo :
2012-01-21 16:17:25

Hamburg, Germany 19 Jan 2012 - Audi is the most admired company in Germany, according to an independent survey by manager magazin. The magazine announced yesterday in Hamburg that the company had prevailed in the "Imageprofile" survey against 170 companies from ten business sectors. In the survey of roughly 4,050 company board members and managers, the carmaker from Ingolstadt secured first place for its effective image development.

Rupert Stadler, Chairman of the Board of Management of AUDI AG, accepted the honor yesterday evening in Hamburg. Stadler told the 200 invited guests: "The overall win in this well-respected study honors all Audi employees." He stated that the employees have dedicated themselves to the company over many years and with virtually limitless enthusiasm.

Their efforts have paid off: from innovation, management quality and customer focus to financial stability and sustainability – Audi earned excellent marks in all of the evaluation criteria.

For its "Imageprofile" analysis, manager magazin surveyed 4,050 company board members, managing directors and top executives. The survey is conducted every other year and is considered to be of massive importance in the corporate world. In 2012 the results of the survey were presented for the 16th time.

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