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Analysis Plus Interconnects Solo Crystal Oval
公司網頁 Analysis Plus
售價: HK$ 
平均得分 4.50 


頁數: 1
#1: 由 柴可夫斯基 於 2006-02-14 19:39:41 提供
使用時間 一個月至三個月 
購買價錢 HK$3200 
用家意見 I'm using AQ "PANTHER" before, after turn by the Solo Crystal Oval interconnect cable in the output stage of my Ayre phono stage P-5xe, the vocal is more rich & natural as well as the body & mouth of the singer are more detail, the high fregquency are also detail and smooth, the overall performance is very good, it is a very analog interconnect cable in this range of price and some higher price cannot provide for these analog detail. 
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頁數: 1

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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
