Home > 用家意見 > 數碼相機 > Casio QV-2400UX
Casio QV-2400UX
公司網頁 Casio
售價: HK$ 
平均得分 4.16 
產品簡介 影像格式 靜態影像(含全景):JPEG(Exif Ver.2.1)TIFF,DCF標準,支援DPOFn
動畫:AVI(Open DML Motion JPEG規格) n
記錄媒介 CompactFlash記憶卡(支援Type I / II),IBM微型硬碟(Microdrive) n
記錄影像畫素 靜態影像:1,600 X 1,200800 X 600pixelsn
動畫:320 X 240pixels(15FPS) n
12.7吋原色CCD:211萬畫素,有效畫素:202萬畫素 n
鏡頭 F2.8-4.5@f=6.2-18.6mmn
重量(不含電池及附件) 約245公克n


頁數: 1
#6: 由 kyoto 於 2001-10-06 16:11:38 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$2680 
用家意見 Bought my 2400 brand new today.. Had so much fun with it straight the way. The ability to take photos and display it on TV straight the way is amazing. The quality is probably not professional. But neither am I. I am quite happy with the purchase, except that I would wish the LCD display was in better resolution. The output of the photos are fine, just the screen doesn't capture the best while roaming around.
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頁數: 1

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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
