Home > 用家意見 > 合拼擴音機 > DENON PMA-2000IIIR
公司網頁 DENON
售價: HK$6,400 
意見總數 23 
平均得分 4.30 
產品簡介 The PMA-2000RIII's UHC-MOS single push-pull circuit delivers a sound that is both powerful and exceptionally faithful to the musical details. The amp is also equipped with other features inherited from high-end models such as a Precision Signal Ground Circuit to preserve sound purity, and Precision Mechanical Ground Construction to suppress vibration. The volume, tone, and power amp circuits have been completely redesigned to further suppress noise, enhance resolution, and expand the frequency range, allowing all the dynamism and delicate nuances of sound from DVD-Audio and SACD to be enjoyed at their full potential. 


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#23: 由 hihihifi鴨BB (會員) 於 2004-08-06 15:50:18 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$ 
用家意見 Denon PMA 2000IV 極好聲,最主要注意配答。小弟用的是 dynaudio speaker ,聲音和 Denon PMA 2000IV 性格重遄A所以聲音偏簿,但用了NBS電線後,厚度和下潛力大增,高音不再吵耳,分析力很好。音r深後不前傾,背影零靜(順帶一提,機內的電容越大,背影聲會越靜,此機用的電容小說都有5cm闊,9cm高,同級罕見)絕對best buy。但如有能力轉speaker我相信 B&W 會是Denon PMA 2000IV 的絕配。 
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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
