Home > 用家意見 > 投影機 > Hitachi PJ-TX10W (LCD)
Hitachi PJ-TX10W (LCD)
公司網頁 Hitachi
售價: HK$10,800 
平均得分 5.00 
產品簡介 - Flexible Placement n
- Enjoy a Large Image from Near to Far n
- Without Caring about Noise, You Can Concentrate on the Screen n
- Front Air Exhaust for Comfortable Viewing n
- Large, Powerful Images with Superb Video Quality n
- The Pictures You Like, at the Touch of a Button n


頁數: 1
#1: 由 KKCL 於 2004-08-27 02:55:22 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 < HK$9,XXX 
用家意見 Frankly speaking Hitachi is not my first choice in looking for my first projector. However when I compared extensly among the similar grade including Epson TW-20, Sanyo Z1 n Z2, Panasonic AE500... I can say, as most Hi Fi specialists agree that, specifications only tell you something but not the all you can get! So seeing is believing: very good colour, clear image and film quality is excellent in this price range, easilly set up (w/lens shift function) and the remarkable very low fan noise that initially you may not take care but which really affects your course of film enjoyment.At projectorcentral.com it positively comments Hitachi Home-1(=PJ-TX10W in Hongkong version)is an impressive product but yet considers it as an entry-level home theater, and I do buy our local independent review and testing made from CHOICE saying PJ-TX10W performs the best in the item of "film quality" and unbeatable in "contrast" and "brightness"!  
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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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