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Nikon Coolpix 990
公司網頁 Nikon (香港)
售價: HK$7,180 
意見總數 12 
平均得分 3.91 
產品簡介 The COOLPIX 990 carries forth the basic concepts of 1) Better Total Picture Quality, 2) Higher Speed and 3) Increased Ease of Use that characterise Nikon's COOLPIX 950 (1999), while incorporating a wide variety of enhancements that make it stand out even from its very high-quality predecessors.

The COOLPIX 990 is a 3.34-megapixel powerhouse that's packed with even more features than the COOLPIX cameras that came before it.  


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#12: 由 Chris 於 2000-09-11 19:10:25 提供
使用時間 一個月至三個月 
購買價錢 HK$8120 
用家意見 Nikon990 係一部半專業相机,雖要一定花時間看Menu,實際使用。才可發揮。本人十分滿意它的質素,按扭排列清晰,容易上手。本人用Epson860 列印所拍的照片,以XGA Fine Mode 放至8"x10"質數以經可比美傳統相片。我還未試用Full Mode呢 。近攝效果很好,景深範圍廣闊。我對它採用旋轉鏡頭特別讚部C取景容易方便。價錢則見人見志,我認為不算宜。唯一短處是電用量頗高及体積重量。 
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