Home > 用家意見 > 手提MP3機 > Perception Digital PD-095-01
Perception Digital PD-095-01
公司網頁 Perception Digital
售價: HK$999 
平均得分 4.43 
產品簡介 - MP3播放
- FM收音
- 可用不同的採樣率把音頻輸入介面、FM收音機、麥克風的信號錄成MP3
- 可把音頻輸入介面、FM收音機、麥克風的信號按照話音音質錄音
- 可作移動硬碟
- 支援ID3標簽
- USB介面
- 英文字元顯示 2行 x 12字元
- 體積 75x95x22mm
- 淨重 95g (不計電池)
- SmartMedia卡槽數量 (3.3.V)
- 電源 2xAAA


頁數: 1
#8: 由 Iris 於 2002-07-15 12:02:29 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$999 
用家意見 This piece of equipment is nice! I found it easy to use with gread sound performance. The line in encoding function is incredibly convenient. I don't need my computer at all to do the recording. And the FM recording allows me to record the new songs instantly even the CD is not yet available in the market. It's a really a very good piece and the functions are value for money. 
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頁數: 1

review33 on mobile

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
