Home > 用家意見 > Mini音響組合 > Pioneer IS-21MD
Pioneer IS-21MD
公司網頁 Pioneer
售價: HK$3030 
平均得分 4.25 
產品簡介 - MD CD、收音機
- MD光纖輸入(前置)
- 100w x 2


頁數: 1
#2: 由 someone 於 2001-04-24 16:30:16 提供
使用時間 只是試用過 
購買價錢 HK$ 
用家意見 My friend has this set...once he turned it on to volume 20...and even the water in the fish tank shakes from the other side of the room...although it's room...but still it kicks ass~ 
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頁數: 1

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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