Home > 用家意見 > DVD影碟機 > Skyworth DVD-850s
Skyworth DVD-850s
公司網頁 創維數碼
售價: HK$1,430 
平均得分 4.50 


頁數: 1
#3: 由 Terminator 於 2001-05-25 02:22:18 提供
使用時間 只是試用過 
購買價錢 HK$1430 
用家意見 Good to beginner & soap lover.
-Soft & Warm in colour than the same price level products.
-Worth to buy in using all CDs.

Weak points:
1.remote no good (but better than other Chinese brands)
2.YCr component share with Video (yellow) - main
problem of Skyworth product.
3.Loading slow

Strong points:
1.read all CDs:HDCD,CDi,CDR,SVCD
2.Accurate reading Disk & time search
3.Security lock of DVD OFF, can direct to VCR
扺用指數: | 滿意指數:
頁數: 1

The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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