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Sony Clie PEG UX50
公司網頁 Sony (HK)
售價: HK$5280 
平均得分 3.75 
產品簡介 Palm OS5n
Handheld Engine 中央處理器n
革新橫向水平 (320 x 480點子) TFT彩色橫向顯示屏n
兼容MP3及ATRAC 3音樂播放器 


頁數: 1
#2: 由 Daniel 於 2003-09-08 14:00:05 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$5280 
用家意見 Just collected the PDA 3-days ago. The new clie is actually very small, slight larger than the size of an adult's palm. The screen is small compared with NX series but the image displayed is sharped. The quality of the built-in camera is good given the miserable spec. Haven't try the audio function and WIFI yet. The keyboard doesn't fell good at all, but then the size is small..The charger cradle is big and equals the size of the clie. Power drains fast, just used it for 4-5 times and less than 30 minutes each time, and power drops to 50%.
Overall very cool, but probably not as professional as the NX series. Really pricy.
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頁數: 1

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