Home > 用家意見 > CD機 > SONY SCD-1 (SACD)
公司網頁 SONY (HK)
售價: HK$29,900 
意見總數 11 
平均得分 4.13 
產品簡介 SONY SACD Player
The SACD-1 is the world's first 2-channel stereo compatible Super Audio CD formal player, providing Super Audio CD and conventional CD format playback.

The SCD-1 makes the most of Super Audio CD's high-quality specifications as well as extensive improvements for playback of standard CDs/

Compatibility for both formats was realised thanks to a newly developed Fixed Optical Twin Pickup Mechanism, a specially designed DSD decoder LSI, and a new ACP system.

Also, the SCD-1 boasts some clever structural and device innovations, including a new frame design and disc loading mechanism. 


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#11: 由 calvinko (會員) 於 2001-10-11 15:35:10 提供
使用時間 不適用 
購買價錢 HK$ 
用家意見 Though I don't have one, I just went to the Demo room at Sony Pro shop in Causeway and listened once.

My overall impression was not good. I feel the sound is too "Dry", "Hard" and "Thin", just like those Japanese AV CD player. However, the only good thing is the stage width and atmospheric effect and heard more details. This result I can't blame for the SACD-CD1 only, cos I don't know about the other parts of the system, e.g. cables, amplifier and loudspeaker, however, I was quite disappointed, if it sold at below $15000, it can only be considered. 
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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司
