Home > 用家意見 > 手提MP3機 > Sony WM-MS7
Sony WM-MS7
售價: HK$3200 
平均得分 2.00 
產品簡介 USB 介面
64MB Memory stick
重量: 66g (不包括電池) 


頁數: 1
#1: 由 Rick 於 2001-03-18 12:10:38 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$ 
用家意見 Some one brought me as a gift. It is not a MP3 player. It convert mp3 into sony's standard before downloading to the machine. Not as user friendly as a real MP3 player. It have restriction for duplication of free music. Don't buy it if you only want to enjoy free music from internet or sharing file with friends cuz it won't let u do it. It is ok for me as I buy CD for what I love.

Regarding the quality, it is a SONY. Never let u down for portable player. Light weight, quick file transfer speed, good sound quality.

Anyway, there is a new model with even slimmer look! Check it out if u accept Sony's stupid format. 
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頁數: 1

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