Home > 用家意見 > GSM 手提電話 > SonyEricsson T610
SonyEricsson T610
公司網頁 Sony Ericsson
售價: HK$ 
意見總數 55 
平均得分 3.94 
產品簡介 制式 : GSM 900/1800/1900 n
螢幕 : 65535色 128x160 n
弁 : WAP、GPRS、J2ME、支援MMS、32和弦鈴聲、數碼相機、IrDA、藍芽 n
體積 : 102x44x19mm n
重量 : 95g n


頁數: < > 1 2 3 4 5 6
#25: 由 mrcheung 於 2003-06-07 22:35:54 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$3380 
用家意見 有冇發覺因為 sisi 聲問題,到SonyEricsson 修理完部機之後,sisi 聲冇,但係和絃中有部份樂器(e.g. piano, or even the tone when you press the keys) 細聲到機乎聽唔倒?我現在有呢個問題,都有r唔係好開心。

(p.s. once you pop off your battery, on the phone u will see a sticker with your IMEI number...your country of manufacture....and more stuff.....

Somewhere there you will see a number like this 03W20. It will be 2 digits, with a "W" in between then 2 more digits.

The numbers before the "W" should be the year number , and the numbers after the "W" are the week number.

So 20th week of 2003 would be 03W20

T610 phone showing 03W21 or later don't have the hissing problem, as for my phone (03W19), I needed to bring the phone for repair. 
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頁數: < > 1 2 3 4 5 6

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