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Sound Master No.2
公司網頁 Sound Master
售價: HK$4,500 
平均得分 4.25 
產品簡介 Single ended pure class A circuit with filter choke for power supply. Also included an ALPS VR for volume control. This amp can use as Main power amp or and integrate amp.n


頁數: 1
#6: 由 Bob Lau 於 2001-06-11 01:55:41 提供
使用時間 少過一個月 
購買價錢 HK$4500 
用家意見 This is a very good Pure Class A mini stereo amp. I just received from Audio City this Monday. I never heard so nice and smooth sound comes from a KT-88 amp!! They have very good Power and output transformers. Very warm human voice, detailed treble and very dynamic bass .It is worth to wait for more than 1 month!
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The Sound Chamber -- 百搭高級音響有限公司

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