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[#1] Gin Lee 李幸倪 on HDTracks    
Just bought her Bold & Beautiful from HDTracks ( in FLAC 24/96 for US 11 or HKD 88 only ) ... HK Singer on top US HiRes storehttp://www.hdtracks.com/bold-beautiful?___store=default&nosto=nosto-page-search1

Utada Hikaru's Fantôme is there too

Guess HK's HiFiTrack needs to catch up fast ...

個人訊息 正式會員
2018-07-07 13:01
[#2] Gin Lee 李幸倪 on HDTracks    
7digital sells it for USD 9.49:

個人訊息 正式會員
2018-07-11 08:15
[#3] Gin Lee 李幸倪 on HDTracks    

Thanks for sharing Falcon! 7digital, such an interesting listco in selling music online with 60 million songs in 60 countries

Although most are mp3/CD quality instead of HiRes 24/96, it still has a pretty impressive collection; Asian or otherwise across different genres

個人訊息 正式會員
2018-07-11 15:18
[#4] Gin Lee 李幸倪 on HDTracks    
唉,重平過CD,早知就買HD file啦。第一首頭段淨人聲部分相當唔錯,好似企喺前面唱咁。

最後修改時間: 2018-08-23 17:48:08
個人訊息 會員
2018-08-23 17:47
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